Self-Esteem Therapy for Asian Americans

California | Texas | Florida

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought that you should be further along in life by now?

Maybe you find yourself comparing with other people in your life stage and feel like you don't measure up to their accomplishments. Even though you have a stable career and a stable income, you still feel like it is not good enough. You want to pursue something else. Maybe finally going after that dream that you had years ago, but you feel like you are not good enough. Maybe you even feel like it is too late for you, and with each day passing by, you feel like your passion and sense of purpose is slowly fading away.

You just want to know that you are enough and you are more than able to live out your dream life!


Here's what you will get in session with me:

  • You will explore the underlying cause that makes you feel “not good enough.”

  • You will learn to reframe beliefs that no longer serve you.

  • You will be reconnected to your vision and life purpose.

  • You will learn how to be your own therapist/coach to help you achieve whatever you set your mind to.

I will help you to discover and clarify your vision step by step. I will also assist you to get rid of any beliefs that hinders you from living your life to the fullest. We will tackle these beliefs from both a conscious and a subconscious level, and we will set up systematic ways for you to reach your goals with confidence. We will work together to get you the optimal results in the shortest amount of time!


You can finally wake up with purpose every morning, knowing that you are more than enough!


What are sessions like?

Sessions with me are conducted online only so that you can relax in the comfort of your own place, or choose a place that makes you feel the most comfortable. Each session will last around 50 minutes, in which we will spend the bulk of the time exploring the solutions to your struggles.

How long do I need to be in therapy?

The short answer is, it depends... But because I know that you want to get rid of your problems as soon as possible, I offer short-term therapy. I am a firm believer that you do not need to keep receiving therapy for years to experience lasting changes. Short-term therapy can also bring powerful and lasting impacts in your life.

Do you conduct therapy in language other than English?

Yes, I also speak Chinese (Mandarin) fluently, so I can offer my services in Mandarin if that is the language that you are most comfortable with.

How do I know if therapy will work for me?

Therapy works best when you work with a therapist that you "click" with. I can be the best therapist in the world, but if you don't feel like you can trust me, I won't be able to help you much. That's why I offer a 15-30 minutes free consultation for you to scout me out and see if I am someone that you want to work with.